In Jungian psychology, the gradual Integration and unification of the self through the resolution of successive layers of psychological conflict. 个性形成荣格精神分析法的一个概念,即经过多层次的心理冲突后,自我意识逐渐趋于统一和融合。
( Jungian psychology) a personal facade one presents to the world. (荣格的心理学)一个人呈现给外界的外表。
WIE: What would you say would be the goal of Jungian psychology? Would it be to help us realize our highest potential? 你认为什么是容格心理学的目标?这个目标可以是帮助我们实现自己最大的潜能么?
Loss of Equilibrium-The Major Concern of Jungian and Laingian Psychology Embodied in the Grass is Singing 失衡&《野草在歌唱》中所体现的荣格和莱恩心理学的主要关注
The Jungian Psychology includes philosophy, religion, anthropology, medicine, literature and so on. 容格的思想丰富而复杂,其心理学的研究囊括了哲学、艺术、宗教、人类学、医学、文学等不同的领域。
The spiritual-god-image and its archetypal meaning is very important in Jungian analytical psychology and in psychotherapy. 作为原型的心神意象及其象征意义在荣格分析心理学的理论以及心理治疗的实践中具有十分重要的意义。
Jungian psychology emphasizes that the mental energy is a result of clash among various power inside the personality. 荣格的心理学理论强调人的心理能量是人格内部各种力量之间冲突的结果。
The former research of psychoanalysis to this novel was always by using Freudian and Jungian psychology. 之前,对这部小说的精神解析都是运用弗洛伊德或荣格的精神解析理论。